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Hello there!

Welcome to Vera Taihuttu’s coaching platform, where transformation meets empowerment. As a co-parenting mom who owns a coaching business and a martial arts and movement studio plus is in a new happy living-apart-together relationship navigating the complexities of daily life life, Vera Taihuttu brings a unique blend of resilience, empathy, and professional expertise to her coaching practice.

Personal background

Vera’s personal journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-discovery. Raised in a household marked by domestic violence, she encountered numerous challenges on her path to personal growth. In her youth, she grappled with self-destructive tendencies, and later faced the daunting reality of personal bankruptcy. Despite these adversities, Vera emerged stronger, drawing upon her experiences to forge a new path forward.

With a background in the fast-paced world of IT, Vera understands the pressures of navigating high-demand environments. Yet, it was through her own journey of coping, processing, and healing that she discovered her innate ability to support others on their own paths to transformation.

Coaching approach

What sets Vera apart is her authentic approach to coaching. She doesn’t claim to have all the answers or to be a finished product herself. Instead, she embraces the ethos of lifelong learning and growth, recognizing that each phase of personal development offers new opportunities for discovery and evolution.

Driven by a passion for helping others to evolve as well, Vera has undergone training and certification to refine her skills as a coach. Today, she stands ready to guide you on your journey towards personal development, offering insights, support, and practical strategies to help you thrive.

Whether you’re navigating the challenges of life, personal or work related, seeking to overcome past issues, or simply striving for greater fulfillment in life, Vera Taihuttu is here to accompany you every step of the way. Together, you’ll embark on a transformative journey towards greater self-awareness, resilience, and empowerment.

Professional background

Personal development certification:

  • Mental resilience and agression regulation trainer according Nederlands Instituut Vechtsport & Maatschappij (NIVM).
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive coach
  • Diversity cards, power of difference facilitator – Bureau Vie
  • Deep democracy Level 1 Foundation

Sports certification:

  • Athletics Skills Model – Oldstars according Nationaal Ouderenfonds
  • BoksFit trainer according Nederlandse Boksbond
  • ZUU fitness trainer level Bronze and Silver ( mobility and bodyweight training modality with emphasis on connection)

Indepth knowledge of:

  • Application of Non- Violent Communication Method according Marshal Rosenberg
  • Practice of Dzogchen, a form of Tibetan Zen according Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche